Melos Mining pool proposal

Melos Mining pool proposal

Proposal number: MELOS#001

Proposal date: May 30, 2022

Proposal name: Melos Mining pool proposal

Proposal type: tokenomics model

Proposal author: Melos Studio Team

Body of the proposal:

Melos Studio has proposed adjusting the ratio of NFT Staking and Classical Staking pool tokens and increasing the total funding of NFT Staking from 40% to 50%, which means that the full share of Melos Classical Staking pool in total tokens will increase from 40% to 50%. In comparison, the total percentage of NFT Staking pool tokens will decrease from 60% to 50%. This means that Melos Classical Staking’s share of the entire pool tokens will increase from 40% to 50%, while NFT Staking’s share of the total pool tokens will decrease from 60% to 50%.

To make Melos Classical Staking more profitable for the users to participate.

Melos Studio has proposed adjusting the ratio of NFT Staking and Classical Staking pool tokens and increasing the percentage of NFT Staking pool tokens from 40% to 50%, which means the rate of Melos Classical Staking pool tokens will increase from 40% to 50%. In comparison, the NFT Staking pool tokens ratio will increase from 40% to 50%. This means that Melos Classical Staking’s pool tokens will increase from 40% to 50%, and NFT Staking’s pool tokens will decrease from 60% to 50%.

We want to make sure that the Melosians in the community hear our voice, as only Melosians who meet specific requirements can vote on the proposal, so we will launch a petition to allow those Melosians who meet the requirements to vote. We will send this proposal to the Melos Studio Forum, where Melosians can participate in the discussion of the proposed pool adjustment. This proposal will also sync to the #general chat on the Melos Studio discord. Melosians are encouraged to share their views and write their opinions on the Melos Studio forum (May 31, 2022 - June 1, 2022), so be sure to go there and vote and contribute your valuable opinions. note: wave points are required to participate in discussion and voting.

With this new offer, many Melosians will be able to earn more tokens in Melos Classical Staking.
Melosians have always been a part of the Melos Studio ecosystem. and this campaign will allow more Melosians to premiere as valuable community members.

Operating Instructions
The development team changed the pool percentage and contract to complete this pool token ratio revision.

Roadmap/plan of the proposal
The pool percentage change will be completed, and the contract will be audited within seven days of the proposal’s approval and re-listed on the Melos.Finance website

Proposal discussion time:
Proposal discussion start time at 12:00 AM UTC on May 31, 2022
Proposal discussion end time at 12:00 AM UTC on June 6, 2022

Voting options are either for or against the proposal, or you can choose to abstain from the vote completely.


nice! i like this proposal

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Support this motion Support this motion

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Melos tokens can be mined and awarded through active participation of the ecosystem as follows:
Classical Staking pool-(Stake Melos at selected NFT node) -40%
NFT Staking-(Holders’ stake NFT)-60%

Melos Studio proposes to adjust the ratio of NFT Staking to Classical Staking pool tokens, which will modify the total pool funding for NFT Staking.

This change will increase the total pool funding for Classical Staking pool from 40% to 50%, which means that the Melos Classical Staking pool will increase its share of the mining ecosystem tokens from 40% to 50%. In contrast, the mining ecosystem token share of NFT Staking pool tokens will decrease from 60% to 50%, ensuring more token revenue for Melos studio NFT holders and better NFT Staking functionality for NFT holders.


Everyone mines melos, so how will melos increase in price? The rate of inflation is extremely high, newcomers will not dare to enter for fear of staking people releasing tokens in large quantities. Have you guys released the game or has the market worked well? There is no way for melos to reach many users.

I am against this proposal.NFT holders get nothing from melos growth for now.why you want to cut our part of the cake off?

As the first group to buy NFT, it is the affirmation and support of the project prospect. But so far we have had no gain from holding NFT, and now we have to reduce the original ratio, which is a disservice to the early contributors and hurts those of us who have been supporting the project. I hope the project side can reconsider.

Against the proposal

Why does the proposal claim to “fully guarantee the rights of loyal users”? The proposal does modify the percentage of rewards received for NFT Mining, from 60% to 50% of the pool. This is to the detriment of NFT Hodlers, especially the earliest hodlers of Binance NFT.

This adjustment of ratio is based on the white paper 7.3, which actually discusses only Mining

First we need to clearly define what is Mining, ECO mining, Classical Staking pool, NFT Staking pool, NFT Mining, NFT staked bonus

I am not referring to what you call “Mining is NFT computing power Mining, LP Mining, […] , improve the number of ecological participants.
ECO mining is a mining behavior based on the ecological value contributed by users to […] and WAVE will be part of ECO mining. and WAVE will be part of ECO.”

It mainly describes the applications of Mining and Eco Mining, but what they consist of is almost ignored. I would like to know what variables affect the Mining Pool and Eco Mining Pool?

Is Mining composed of Classical Staking pool and NFT Staking pool (from the proposal, mod has a similar statement “40% staking, 60% hash mining”), or is it composed of NFT Mining and NFT staked bonus? (From the white paper: “NFT mining consists of 60% of Mining pool and NFT staked bonus consists of 40% of Mining pool.”)
So NFT staked bonus is the same as Classical Staking pool, or Staking? Where is the NFT staked bonus now? The token mining only has one more clause “use one of the required NFTs as a ticket” , but to turn the “NFT staked bonus” directly into the “Classical Staking pool”?

In other words, as most people believe, the proposal does change the percentage of NFT Mining that receive a bonus from 60% of the pool to 50%. This is to the detriment of early NFT holders.

Besides, which NFTs are involved in Mining and what does “every NFT bought from NFT garage” mean according to the white paper? Does that mean all NFTs? Including all the NFTs on the official website? Or just Trey Songz, D Power, David Bowie’s NFT? And what is the difference between Trey Songz, D Power, David Bowie and Prelude mystery boxes in mining?


Hope to open nft mining as soon as possible :grinning:

Against the proposal

Mainly due to it not being clear how Hash Mining / Eco mining is going to work. Once that is clear then can vote with a clear vision. Agree with the full explanation that heyyawn has written, I ditto that statement.

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disagree/against proposal
reason : mining and eco mining not even start yet ,dont change anything…
you can flashback how much NFT investor having profit from NFT and the answer almost no investor having profit…please do not change anything before you live the feature

I strongly agree with this proposal, which will allow us to trade our NFT more easily because this proposal means that more new users will come to buy NFT which I have.

I’m very supportive of the Melos Studio team’s proposal, and I think this one could pay off very well for me! And I do not believe so many people are doing serious work in the current market environment. Only Melos Studio keeps releasing new features! I will always support Melos Studio!

Many Melosians feel that Melos Studio has not been doing anything, not updating content and not releasing new features and technologies. But, it is proven that Melos Studio has been severe about updating new content to us. This is why Melos Studio is different from other projects. I think this proposal is just an attempt. Melos Studio will bring us more content in the future and bring more features and technologies to the community. We’re sure that Melos Studio will get us more content in the future, more features and content that will benefit the community.

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This is awesome! Definitely need this!

This is a great proposal, it will bring us more new users and will build our community well

against the proposal

i dont like this propose

full power against this update

better dont do anything,i dont like this proposal